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Tip #4: Keep a “To Go” kit ready and easy to grab

Tip #4: Keep a “To Go” kit ready and easy to grab Your To Go kit should include two main groups of things. Photo courtesy of Pexels. One group will include paperwork, such as: Advance health-care directives such as a Living Will and copies of the medical order forms Common medical orders forms such as the DNR (Do-Not-Resuscitate) and POLST (Physician Orders for Life Sustaining Treatment) A medication list A copy of your medical power of attorney form It’s never a bad idea to have a copy of their ID card and insurance card as well The other main group of things to put inside of your To Go bag are items that will make the ER visit less boring for you and for your person — things that might make you both more comfortable. For you, items like a phone charger, book, snacks and water — maybe a small travel blanket or neck pillow. Also pack a pen or pencil and pad of paper to take notes and document important things. For your person, take something that makes them comfortable or reminds them of home — a blanket, stuffed animal, something to fidget with or a pillow perhaps. You may also want to consider a pair of glasses, a cheap watch or assistive hearing devices. Store your To Go bag in your car or right by your front door. You want it to be in a place where you can easily grab it. Anyone who cares for your person should know where the To Go kit is stored.


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