You asked me to let you know what you need to watch for with Rob.
I really do not like to talk about him, when he is listening.
He gets upset, and then I have to deal with his anger.
I prefer to keep him happy as much as possible, That can be a full-time job in itself.
Since he will be in a familiar place, he will probably be just fine. Changes in his routine can get him agitated, but most of the time he is pretty good.
Most of the time he is quite jolly, can be the "life of the party", which is not who he used to be! LOL
If he does get agitated, he might simply refuse to talk to anyone. I have learned to ignore him when he gets like that, and he usually gets over it.
Other times, he has suddenly stormed out of the house and taken off.
Fortunately I have a Life360 app on my phone, that I can track him, and know where he is. I usually just let him come home when he is ready.
Sometimes, if he gets frustrated about being unable to figure out how to do something he used to be able to do, or find the word he wants to say, he will get mad and yell at me.
I usually try to redirect him, there is no point in arguing or yelling back. It only confuses him.
Rarely, if he gets really frustrated, he will get violent. Not against me so far, but I have gotten hurt when I was in his way. Sometimes he will throw things, like a lawn chair, or break a baby gate.
That hasn't happened in a long while though.
If you are out and about, you may need to watch him if he says inappropriate things. He often asks young girls when they get off work, and I I have to constantly remind him, that he cannot do that!
Again, if you are out and about, you may need to keep an eye on him, as he often wanders off. He usually comes back, he just gets an idea in his head and off he goes.
He makes up stories that are very real to him - i.e. he told me your mother lied about his birth date, that he was not born in February, that the date on his birth certificate was wrong, and the only one that knows is your mom, but she is not telling.
So take anything he says with a grain of salt.
He gets paranoid thoughts - he was convinced someone was going to come with a gun to steal his car. That people were sneaking into our backyard and criticizing how he keeps it. That someone snuck into our house, stole his phone, deleted all his contacts, and then gave the phone back.
Sometimes it's kind of funny, but really I feel sad that he feels so scared.
He sometimes gets confused about the time of the day, and what day or month it is. He will sometimes ask the same question over and over. Even right after you just finished answering him.
Oh, he has stopped flushing the toilet at home, hopefully he will flush at your parents' house.
Keep him busy helping your dad, he loves to help. However, he doesn't stay on task very well, and might need some guidance.
He has forgotten how some things work, and so he might easily cut the grass but might not know how to start the lawnmower.
Oh that's enough, he will probably be just fine, and you will think I am worrying for nothing.
I don't know if you have noticed anything with him yourself, he is usually pretty good at covering up, and most people think he is just fine.
And for the most part, he is...
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