The Alzheimer's Society said I should keep a journal, so that's why I am writing here.
I have been writing here and there. Yes, it helps to get my thoughts out. I feel like I am not feeling, maybe sort of numb.
And yet aware of how much this will impact our lives, now that it's "real".
I was convinced they would say it's nothing, that there is nothing wrong with him, and that I was over-reacting.
It makes me feel immobilized, and yet feel like I should be doing something, I should be acting/planning/doing!
And yet I cannot think of what that would be.
Money/finances constantly worries me.
Frontotemporal dementia (FTD) or frontotemporal degenerations (or Pick's Disease) refers to a group of disorders caused by progressive nerve cell loss in the brain's frontal lobes (the areas behind your forehead) or its temporal lobes (the regions behind your ears).
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