Dealing with the guilt, even though I know I did the right thing.
On Friday, I sent an email to the memory clinic and reported Rob's driving incident.
Today our family doctor called and said the memory clinic sent my email on to him, and the clinic wants to do more testing right away. That's a good thing.
But then he asked if Rob knew I had sent the email.
Had I discussed the incident with him? (I tried but got nowhere).
They are likely going to take away Rob's driver's license, which means he may lose his job - and it feels like it's all my fault.
I had been up all night long terribly sick when the doctor called and wasn't so coherent myself.
But you have to perk up, make sense, remember details, and make arrangements, no matter how you feel.
I feel like I am sneaking around behind Rob's back, and I want to go hide in a hole and not deal with any of this.
feeling overwhelmed.

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