I've been wanting a new fence in our backyard for years, and this year we finally decided to go ahead.
As we work together on this, I think to myself, this might be our last good summer together. He seemed to come back a bit, at least for a while.
I keep thinking, this will be a good memory of time spent together, and a visual reminder for me of better days.
Yes, some days it was a challenge to keep him on task, to get him to understand what I wanted him to do. Other times he would just take over and do a great job.
I did all the planning, working out the details of what we needed, and purchasing. I measured everything and showed him what I needed him to do.
It took us over a month to build a 100-foot fence and two gates. We only have one section left to do, just waiting for a tree to be removed by professionals.
But yesterday, I seem to lose him again. He kept asking over and over how we were going to keep the dogs from getting out, no matter how many times I explained about the latch.
Even while we were installing the latch, I could see he was visually confused.
I was pointing out a light above our back door, that needed replacing, and he had no idea that there was a light there.
He could not remember ever seeing it before. We have lived here 22 years.
Then later, he started becoming so quick to anger over small things.
When I drop something under the patio table, he suddenly threw a chair across the yard, before he reached down and picked up what I dropped.
When he couldn't figure out how to attach the hose to the faucet, he flew into a rant.
And I remember, that it was only a reprieve...
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