Rob's last day of work was July 25th - just 3 months ago.
Now I find he is getting antsy and wants to go out without me. I have offered to drive him, but lately he wants to go on his own.
Now I found out why... he has snuck off to the casino twice. He told me he wanted to ride the bus and chat with his work buddies. But I have the Life360 app on his phone and can see where he went.
In the 20+ years I have known him, he probably has gone to the casino half a dozen times. Now he has gone twice in one week.
I have checked his bank account and he took out $70 so far. But it worries me. If he really needs to go, I am willing to drive him there, and sit next to him (I do not gamble and never will), but I do not trust him to go alone.
I cannot prevent him from leaving the house at this point.
He is probably stage 3-4? He has Frontotempomoral dementia, so poor executive function, and decision making.
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