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Email to Counselor About Repetitive Questions

I suggested to Rob last night that I make a big banner and put it up above the TV with his appointment, so I could point to it and say, "There's your sign". 
I don't think he got my humor! 

I am learning that I cannot share too much info till closer to the date, but up till now, he has been pretty good about it. 
This is the worst he has been about repetitive questions.
However, they gave him the appointment when we went to the assessment on Friday, so even if I hadn't reminded him, it may not have made a difference this time.

We have a few good days, and I start to doubt myself again. He was so articulate at the assessment; I was afraid they would say he didn't need it. 
Even they commented on how well he did. 
And then he does something like this.

Oh, did I mention that last time he went to the casino by himself, he had to call for me to pick him up, because he could not remember how to get home? 
Thank goodness I got the Life360 app on his phone before this.

Lately I have been thinking that the next person that says they forget things too and repeat questions - I'm going to tell them maybe they need to go get tested then!

It has been so busy here, many ALZ classes and support groups to attend, and so much information to take in. I feel like I have an information overload!

Plus, we decided to do a Halloween photo op to promote our dog business, and that was so busy and overwhelming. I am looking forward to Thursday to have a break from everything!

Oh, and the alternator on my car is dying, so we are grateful that Rob's car hasn't sold - at least I can keep getting us out and about.

Anyhow, we talked about another counseling session in a month, I am not sure when that would be, but I am fine with that. 

Writing it all out helps too...


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