He is angry with me. I am sick today, slept till noon after being awake all night, and feeling wretched.
But he needed to go shopping, so I took him.
He wanted to go to the Canadian Tire store for new wipers for my truck, as well as groceries.
So I pulled into Canadian Tire first, and he asked why. I said, "I thought you wanted to go here first?" OK whatever, he doesn't care, he says.
But I walk in, and the store is packed with Christmas shoppers and the checkout lines are crazy!
I feel like I am going to pass out, so I head for the exit, I can't deal with this!
He says we don't have to go thru those lines, so I turn back, willing to try his way.
But now he is furious and goes storming out! Ok, on to the grocery store.
So, he is grumping all through the grocery store, keeping out of my line of vision, so I have to keep turning and look for him.
It wore me out even more, and it was a relief to get out of the store.
But as soon as we got home, he walked out, saying he was going out for a while. I didn't bother to try to stop him this time, l can barely stand.
So far, he has walked to McDonald's, and has been there for 40 minutes - according to the Life360 app.
I wish I was allowed time to be sick.
FOLLOW-UP: So, he ended up coming back home after about an hour. I was on the couch trying to watch TV since he came home, but he barely said a word to me. So still mad at me.
I keep falling asleep, so I didn't make any dinner. I told my son to make himself hotdogs for his dinner
My husband ate some pretzels and said he was going to bed at 9pm.
He usually stays up till midnight.
I've decided to let him stay mad if that's what he wants. I usually try to jolly him out of it, even apologize when it's not my fault - but I am feeling too sick to care.
THE NEXT DAY: After going to bed 3 hours early last night, he is just getting up now - almost 15 hours later. I felt terrible that I didn't even what to go check on him.
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