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a not-so-fun experience...

We went grocery shopping yesterday, and first we went to Shoppers Drug Mart to buy pop on sale. We picked up a few more items on sale. We had brought in a cloth shopping bag, so he put our purchases in there. Then we went to the Superstore for the rest of our groceries, and he carried in the plastic bins we use when grocery shopping, and put them into the shopping cart. When I went to put something into the bin while we shopped, I realized he had moved some of the Shopper's purchases (bacon, hotdogs, eggs) into the bins, and brought them in with us! No idea why?? So I am feeling a bit panicky, thinking how will I get them out of the store without having to pay for them again!? I tried to explain the problem to him, so he grabs them and starts heading for the door, saying he will take them back to the car. No! You can't just walk out with them! Visions of him being arrested for shoplifting! So he gives them back to me and takes off to look for the receipt in the car. Back shortly in anger, because of course he doesn't have the car keys. I told him to stay there with the cart, do not move around the store, just stay there, and I will go get the receipt. Fortunately he listened and was right where I left him. I figured it was better that we didn't walk all over the store with these purchases, so it didn't look like we were lying about them. I tried to tell him I was going right to customer service to explain before taking them back out to the car, but he walked off saying he was going to get something. I gave up on him, and went to Customer Service, told them I needed some understanding, and that my husband had dementia, and had brought in the Shopper's purchases, and showed her the receipt. She said I was good, no worries, and I took them back out to the car. When I came back, he was in the checkout lane, paying for the items he had gone looking for. I asked him what he was going to do now, since I had not done the grocery shopping yet?? He said he would go wait by the door. OK, I leave him to check out. Next thing I know, he is putting his paid for purchases in the cart with my unpaid items - no bag. I said, you can't do that! I asked him for his receipt, so he checked all his pockets. No receipt. Argh!! So I finished my shopping, and as he kept trying to get me to go to other check-out lanes, I searched for the one he had gone through, so in hopes she would recognize him. Fortunately she did, and remembered that he had paid for those items. I can't leave him home when I shop, he looks forward to it and gets upset if I go without him. But he is making it harder each time...


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