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We had a ton of logs and kindling piled up over the years that Rob had cut up, from fallen branches and dead trees. I decided to offer it for free on a FB Free Stuff site and told Rob that my son and I had moved the logs and kindling out to the driveaway to make it easier for people to pick up. It took 4 people with cars, and another with a pickup truck to haul it all away!

Rob was convinced someone was going to walk up our driveway with a match and set it all on fire.

One day after we arrived home from an outing, he started repeating the same thing, over and over, throughout the day.

"I just wanted to mention, your truck is leaking transmission fluid."

No matter how I responded, he would tell me again a while later.

I suggested we move the truck to check, but he didn't want to do that.

But every time he would say it, he was getting angrier each time.

My day was hectic, and I just didn't get a chance to check it until the next day. 

We moved the truck; I asked him if there were any puddles under the truck. 

No, there were not.

I asked him why he thought there was? He said he thought he saw a drip.

We are building a fence in the backyard, and I had bought some screws for the fence post caps while he was at his day program. I had told the employee at the Lowes store what I needed them for, and that's the size he recommended.

As soon as Rob saw the screws, he insisted they were the wrong size. Ok, I didn't argue, just said we could take them back and get the right size.

I found the size and type we needed at Home Depot, but Rob said they were not the right size. We found a store employee, and he suggested several types of screws, Rob insisted that they were not the right size, getting angrier each time. 

Finally, Rob was so angry at both of us, he walked away and stood off fuming at me.

The poor store employee kept looking, trying the fence post cap on the set-up they had there for finding the right size screw, and came to me to say this was definitely the right size.

I felt bad for the employee, and thanked him for his help, and went to pay for the screws. On the way out, I noted that it was the same size screws I had bought before. Only now this package cost me almost $13, and the first package had only cost $7 for the same amount.

Rob was furious with me the rest of the day, insisting they were never going to fit. I tested one of the screws this morning, it fit.

And some good news...

Samantha suggested that Rob's family take him for a week a month, because she felt I was approaching caregiver burnout. His family agreed, Rob was happy to go (they live up in Haliburton), and he had a great time. 

I actually slept those nights (I do not sleep well), felt happy for the first time in a long time, and got a lot accomplished.

Hopefully we can do it again next month.


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